By NAN Staff Writer
News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. April 29, 2016: If these Caribbean nations were your home instead of the United States, you will be paying a whole lot less for health care. However, the con is could have a slightly shorter life span. Here are the top 10 cheaper places for health care across the Caribbean region:
1: Belize
In Belize you will pay 97 percent less for health care according to World Health Organization data. Per capita public and private health expenditures combined in Belize are USD 259.50 while The United States spends $8,895.10. However, you could die 11 years sooner since data shows the life expectancy at birth in Belize is 68 while in The United States it is 79.
2: Guyana
In the South American nation of Guyana, you will also spend 97 less money on health care. Per capita public and private health expenditures combined in Guyana are USD$235.10 compared to $8,895.10 in the U.S. But you could die 12 years sooner. The life expectancy at birth in Guyana is 67 while in The United States it is 79.
3: St. Vincent & the Grenadines
In St. Vincent & the Grenadines you will spend 96.18 percent less money on health care since the per capita public and private health expenditures combined in St. Vincent and the Grenadines are USD$340. That’s of course compared to $8,895.10. in the United States. But the life expectancy at birth in St. Vincent and the Grenadines is 74 while in The United States it is 79.
4: The Dominican Republic
In the DR, you will spend 96.51 percent less money on health care. Per capita public and private health expenditures per WHO data, combined in the Dominican Republic are USD$310.40 while The United States spends $8,895.10. And you may die some two years sooner as the life expectancy at birth in the Dominican Republic is 77 years compared to 79 in The United States.
5: Dominica
In the Commonwealth of Dominica, you will spend 95.6 percent less money on health care. Per capita public and private health expenditures combined in Dominica are USD391.60 while The United States spends $8,895.10. But you could die three years sooner. The life expectancy at birth in Dominica is 76 while in The United States it is 79.
6: Suriname
You will spend 94.14 percent less money on health care in Suriname as the per capita public and private health expenditures combined are USD$521 while The United States spends $8,895.10. But you may die 8 years sooner as the life expectancy at birth in Suriname is 71 while in The United States it is 79.
7: St. Lucia
In St. Lucia you will likely spend 93.75 percen less money on health care as the per capita public and private health expenditures combined in St. Lucia are USD$556.00 while The United States spends $8,895.10. But you could die 2 years sooner. The life expectancy at birth in St. Lucia is 77 while in The United States it is 79.
8: Antigua & Barbuda
Health care in Antigua & Barbuda will cost over 92 percent less than in the U.S. Per capita public and private health expenditures combined in Antigua and Barbuda are USD681 while The United States spends $8,895.10. However, you may die 3 years sooner. The life expectancy at birth in Antigua and Barbuda is 76 compared to 79 in The United States.
9: St. Kitts/Nevis
In St. Kitts and Nevis you will spend 90.73 percent less money on health care than if you lived in the U.S. The per capita public and private health expenditures combined in St. Kitts and Nevis are USD$824.70 while The United States spends $8,895.10. But you may die 3 years sooner as the life expectancy at birth in St. Kitts and Nevis is 75 while in The United States it is 79.
10: Barbados
U.S. nationals will pay over 89 percent less for health care in Barbados according to the WHO data. Per capita public and private health expenditures combined in Barbados are USD937.70 while The United States spends $8,895.10. However, you could die sooner. The life expectancy at birth in Barbados is 74 while in The United States it is 79.