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Belizean Garifuna Leader Remembered In Illinois

News Americas, CHICAGO, Illinois, Sat. Sept. 7, 2013: Belizean-born Garifuna Leader, Thomas Vincent Ramos, will be celebrated posthumously in Illinois later this month. Illinois Governor...

Bloomberg’s Pathetic Attack On Bill De Blasio

By Arthur Piccolo News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Sat. Sept. 7, 2013: One of the most disliked Mayors in New York City history just...

Bolivian anti-graft officer held on extortion charge in Miami

By Zachary Fagenson MIAMI (Reuters) - A senior Bolivian police official, accused of flying to Miami in late August to extort $30,000 from a...

News Americas Endorses Bill De Blasio For NYC Mayor

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Sept. 6, 2013: The “forced” third term rule of Mike Bloomberg, aided and abetted by City Council Speaker...

Here Comes The World’s Latest Reggae Singer

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Sept. 6, 2013: The musical genre of reggae has a new singer and he like Snoop Lion has...

Insel Air CEO For Caribbean Tourism Conference

News Americas, BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, Fri. Sept. 6, 2013: The Realities of Intra-Caribbean Tourism are get to be discussed by a panel of top...

In Search Of A Regional Frontier

By Melanius Alphonse News Americas, CASTRIES, St. Lucia, Fri. Sept. 6, 2013: Much has been discussed about what type of political and economic integration is...

Open Letter #44 To President Obama – Immigration Reform Now!

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Sept. 6, 2013: Dear Mr. President, Will the focus on Syria be the nuclear bomb on immigration reform at...

Sean Kingston Settles Gang Rape Suit

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Sept. 6, 2013: Jamaican American singer Sean Kingston has settled a gang rape claim with a 22-year-old woman...

Bolt May Call It Quits

News Americas, Brussels, Thurs. Sept. 5, 2013: Usain Bolt may hang up his spikes after the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, the...

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