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Popular Guyanese-Born, New York-based Realtor Admits Guilt

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Weds. Oct. 10, 2012: Popular Guyanese, New York-based realtor, Ed Ahmad, could spend the next 12 plus years of...

As State of The Industry Conference Opens, St. Kitts/Nevis Shows Uptick

By Felicia Persaud News Americas, BASSETERRE, St. Kitts, Mon. Oct. 8, 2012: Saint Christopher Island, or St. Kitts as it is more commonly known, is...

Secretary Roy A. Bernardi Joins Ocean Thermal Energy Corporation’s Advisory Board

LANCASTER, Pa., Oct. 8, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Ocean Thermal Energy Corporation (OTE Corporation) today announced the appointment of former Acting Department of Housing and...

Hard Beat CEO In CTO Documentary

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Oct. 5, 2012: Hard Beat CEO, Felicia Persaud, is part of the new documentary on the Caribbean Tourism...

Caribana Founder Passes On

News Americas, TORONTO, Canada, Fri. Oct. 5, 2012: Charles Roach, the Trinidad migrant who helped found the now famous Caribana festival in Canada has...

Obama’s America – Episode 86 – The Real Obama Stands Up

By Arthur Piccolo News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Oct. 5, 2012: Make no mistake about it. There is only one “good” reason to vote...

What The H… Happened To Immigration Lehrer?

By Felicia Persaud News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Oct. 5, 2012: The first Presidential debate in Denver, Colorado was advertised as the one to...

Call To Invest In Caribbean Tourism Brand

News Americas, WILLEMSTAD, Curacao, Fri. Oct. 5, 2012: The Caribbean should step up its regional marketing efforts and unite around a single marketing...

Cruise Lines Spend Over A Billion In The Caribbean

News Americas, WILLEMSTAD, CURAÇAO, Thurs. Oct. 4, 2012: Cruise tourism in the Caribbean generated more than $1.9 billion in direct expenditures over the last...

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