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News commentary from experts on the Black immigrant communities and the Caribbean and Latin America.


The About Face Of Caribbean Immigrant Karine Jean Pierre

By Felicia J. Persaud News Americas, FORT LAUDERDALE, FL, Fri. Oct. 19, 2023: During her tenure as a senior advisor and national spokesperson to MoveOn,...

Global Emissions For Aviation & The Caribbean

By David Jessop News Americas, LONDON, England, Fri. Oct. 18, 2013: On October 4, governments attending the international Civil Aviation Organization, (ICAO), Assembly in...

Obama How Come No One Goes To Jail?

By Arthur Piccolo News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. July 20, 2012: It should cause a revolt but instead...

Biden’s America – Episode 6 – Democratic Losers

By Arthur Piccolo News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Feb. 26, 2021: Enough is enough is enough, is enough is enough, is enough. That’s enough! We...

Benefits Of A Government Of National Unity In Guyana

By Dr. David Hinds News Americas, GEORGETOWN, Guyana, Sat. Nov. 12, 2011: With the APNU contesting the upcoming elections on a platform of shared governance...

Trump’s America – Episode #19 – President Trump’s Iranian Bogeyman

By Arthur Piccolo News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. May 26, 2017: How stupid is Donald Trump? Trump is PROFOUNDLY stupid! A category only reserved for a...

Despite A Backlog, USCIS Wants Immigrants To Shell Out More In...

By Felicia J. Persaud News Americas, FORT LAUDERDALE, FL, Fri. Feb. 9, 2024: The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, (USCIS), remains extremely backlogged in...

Trump’s America –Episode # 157 – Thanks For Nothing Nancy Pelosi...

By Arthur Piccolo News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Feb. 7, 2020: The New York Times grudgingly admitted buried deep in its story ... “Public opinion...

Is CARICOM And The Caribbean Regional Integration Process Foundering?

By David Jessop News Americas, LONDON, England, Tues. July 18, 2017: There is a pervasive view within and beyond the Caribbean that the regional...

Britain’s Overseas Territories And UK Partnership

By David Jessop News Americas, LONDON, England, Tues. Dec. 15, 2015: Each year the elected leaders of Britain’s overseas territories (OTs) gather from around the...

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