
News commentary from experts on the Black immigrant communities and the Caribbean and Latin America.

Beneficial Ownership Causing Rift With British Caribbean Overseas Territories

By David Jessop News Americas, LONDON, England, Tues. Dec. 16, 2014: A little over a week ago, Britain and its Overseas Territories held their annual...

Obama’s America – Episode 202 – Bad Week For Obama

  By Arthur Piccolo News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Dec.  12, 2014: No I do not mean the Torture Report which shows our government yet...

Is It Time To Review Those Caribbean Citizenship Programs?

By David Jessop News Americas, LONDON, England, Weds. Dec. 10, 2014: The news that all citizens of St Kitts-Nevis wishing to travel to Canada will...

The Cost Of Suicide

By Annan Boodram News Americas, BRONX, NY, Mon. Dec. 8, 2014: The research does not seem to exist for Guyana, or if it does, is...

Obama’s America – Episode 201 – Obama Speaks But Says...

  By Arthur Piccolo News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Dec. 4, 2014: So now after all that celebrating for episode 200 last week, it’s time...

Hypocrisy, Uncle Sam and the Eric Garner Verdict

NAN Editorial News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Thurs. Dec. 4, 2014:  Every year, for the past 36 years, ‘Uncle Sam’ through its U.S. State Department,...

Time For A Deeper Cuba-CARICOM Relationship

By David Jessop News Americas, LONDON, England, Tues. Dec. 2, 2014: On December 8th, the fifth Cuba-Caricom summit will take place in Havana. Cuba has made...

The Dilemma To St. Lucia’s Structural Rise Again

  By Melanius Alphonse   Special To NAN News Americas, CASTRIES, St. Lucia, Tues. Dec. 2, 2014: As the third anniversary of the Saint Lucia Labour Party ...


  By Arthur Piccolo News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Thurs. Nov. 27, 2014: Finally it is here!! No, not Thanksgiving; we did that last week in...

Let Guyana Live: Stop The Horse Race/ Rat Race Politics

Commentary By Dr. David Hinds News Americas, GEORGETOWN, Guyana, Mon. Nov.  24, 2014: As one who has been very critical of the opposition APNU party...

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