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Staten Island Man Charged With Killing Three Shopkeepers

News Americas, BROOKLYN, NY, Thurs. Nov. 22, 2012: A 64-year-old Staten Island man will spend his birthday today behind bars after being charged Wednesday...

Cobbler Pardoned

News Americas, WASHINGTON, D.C., Weds. Nov. 22, 2012: A ceasefire attained in the Middle East, President Obama today continued a centuries-old Thanksgiving tradition by...

Post Sandy Effects Continue To Be Felt

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Nov. 16, 2012: The effects from Hurricane Sandy continues to be felt by thousands in New York with...

New York, New Jersey Again Hammered

News Americas, BROOKLYN, NY, Weds. Nov. 7, 2012: A nor’easter slammed into New York and New Jersey, hammering the still recovering states with...

Caribbean Nationals Feeling Impact Of Sandy

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Nov. 2, 2012: Super Storm Sandy has dissipated but the impact on Caribbean Diaspora nationals in the...

Super Storm Sandy Spawns Gas Shortage

News Americas, BROOKLYN, NY, Thurs. Nov. 1, 2012: It was a scene straight out of a struggling third world nation – a line at...

Three Caribbean Governments Send Support As Diaspora Battles Sandy

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Tues. Oct. 30, 2012: Caribbean nationals are among tens of thousands of nationals in Connecticut, New York, New Jersey...

Construction Crane Dangles Over NYC

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Mon. Oct. 29, 2012: The arm of a construction crane atop a 90 story luxury high-rise in midtown...

Battery Park City Starts Feeling The Wrath As Sandy Makes Landfall

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Mon. Oct. 29, 2012: Hurricane Sandy made landfall in South of the Southern New Jersey Coast bringing storm surge...

Battery Park City Already Seeing Effects Of Sandy

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Mon. Oct. 29, 2012: Battery Park City in Lower Manhattan, is already seeing the impact of Hurricane Sandy. Water from...

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