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Guyanese-American Wins In Central Florida

News Americas, ORANGE COUNTY, FL, Weds. Nov. 7, 2012: A Guyanese-American has made history in Orange County, Central Florida, winning the post of Orange...

Sandy Claims Grenadian Victim In NYC

News Americas, FAR ROCKAWAY, NY, Mon. Nov. 5, 20102: An elderly Grenadian man has been confirmed as one of the New York victims of...

Caribbean Nationals Feeling Impact Of Sandy

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Nov. 2, 2012: Super Storm Sandy has dissipated but the impact on Caribbean Diaspora nationals in the...

Alec Sanguinetti Retires From Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Nov. 2, 2012: Director General and CEO of the Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association, Alec Sanguinetti, has...

Obama’s America – Episode 90 – We All Should Be Marxists

By Arthur Piccolo News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Nov. 2, 2012: No I am not going to write about the storm. Yes I was...

Immigrant Voters, Not Just Latinos, Could Swing Reform

By Felicia Persaud News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Nov. 2, 2012: U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, in his usual frank tone, said this week...

Super Storm Sandy Spawns Gas Shortage

News Americas, BROOKLYN, NY, Thurs. Nov. 1, 2012: It was a scene straight out of a struggling third world nation – a line at...

Where Will New Thinking Come From?

By David Jessop News Americas, LONDON, England, Weds. Oct. 31, 2012: Two weeks ago, Barbados’ Prime Minister, Freundel Stuart, pointed to an issue that ought...

Three Caribbean Governments Send Support As Diaspora Battles Sandy

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Tues. Oct. 30, 2012: Caribbean nationals are among tens of thousands of nationals in Connecticut, New York, New Jersey...

Construction Crane Dangles Over NYC

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Mon. Oct. 29, 2012: The arm of a construction crane atop a 90 story luxury high-rise in midtown...

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