News Americas, ORLANDO, FL, Mon. June 20, 2011: Sunday, June 19th was declared a day of service at retired NBA player Adonal Foyle’s, Kerosene Lamp Foundation

Volunteers gathered in Orlando, FL to pack a shipment of books and equipment for the foundation’s Athletics & Academics Camps in Dominica and St. Vincent & the Grenadines. Among the items packed, according to the Orlando Sentinel were bright green T-shirts, deflated basketballs and brand-new books into cardboard boxes.

The camps are run by the St. Vincent and the Grenadines-born former player, who played his last three seasons for the Orlando Magic.
The free camps also run in the United States and have served some 5,000 youngsters so far, Sentinel reports indicate.

The mission of KLF is to empower youth to grow into healthy and well-educated adults. KLF was founded in 2003 and uses basketball as a bridge to the next generation, promoting education and health awareness, providing free Athletics & Academics camps, mentoring at-risk student-athletes and building/refurbishing basketball courts. The name “Kerosene Lamp” refers to the light used by Foyle to study on an island without electricity at the time, and symbolizes his mission to brighten the futures of youth.

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