By Dr. Isaac Newton

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Thurs. Oct. 24,. 2024: As the U.S. presidential election draws closer, voters face a crucial choice between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. With polls predicting a tight race, key issues like the economy, healthcare, and immigration are central to voters’ minds. Yet beyond the policies, there’s a deeper question: Should we prioritize a candidate’s character or their policies when choosing a leader? Both have significant impacts, but understanding how they work together may be the key to making an informed decision.

Will it be Donald Trump or Kamala Harris?

Why Policy Matters

Policies shape real-world outcomes. Whether it’s economic growth, healthcare access, or education reform, strong policies create lasting change that affects everyday lives. A leader’s policy decisions set the direction for the country, impacting job creation, national security, and even global relations. Some argue that focusing on policies ensures progress, even if the leader’s personality isn’t ideal. For example, a well-crafted economic plan could provide jobs, improve social services, and offer security, regardless of the leader’s flaws. Policy-driven governance often leads to stability, offering measurable improvements that affect the population in meaningful ways.

The Importance of Character

But character cannot be ignored. A leader’s integrity, empathy, and judgment are essential for building trust—not only with the electorate but also with international allies. When a leader lacks moral direction, even the best policies may fail to unite a nation. Strong character serves as a moral compass, guiding decisions with fairness and compassion. For example, a leader who consistently demonstrates honesty and resilience can navigate crises more effectively because people trust their judgment. Without this trust, even the most effective policies lose their impact, as the public’s confidence in the leader diminishes. A leader with strong character not only leads with vision but earns the trust needed to inspire people and maintain diplomatic relationships.

Finding the Right Balance

It’s not about choosing one over the other. Successful leadership requires both strong policies and good character. Policies may guide a country’s progress, but character ensures those policies are implemented with honesty, empathy, and fairness. When these two aspects are in harmony, they create a leader capable of both strategic vision and ethical governance. As voters, we should expect both – policies that serve the people and a leader who embodies the values of integrity, justice, and unity.

In this election, let’s carefully consider both character and policy. Together, they shape not just the future of the U.S., but the direction of the world. The balance of the two will determine how effectively the country can navigate challenges, both at home and abroad.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Dr. Isaac Newton is an International Leadership and Change Management Consultant, Political Adviser, and a graduate of Oakwood University, Harvard, Princeton, and Columbia.