News Americas Now, DOVER NEW HAMPSHIRE, April 11, 2016: Elecyr Corporation has announced the appointment of Michael Kelly as President of Elecyr Carib Ltd. in Montego Bay, Jamaica. The new subsidiary will manufacture Elecyr’s patent-pending energy storage systems for sale in Latin America and Europe. Elecyr’s CEO Bill Southworth explains that, “As one of the most important container ports in the Americas and with an educated workforce that ideally suits our manufacturing, Jamaica was the logical choice to expand our business.” It’s also one of the fastest growing markets for energy storage in its own right.
As the cost of solar energy storage continues to decline, it’s predicted that within a decade solar will be less expensive than just the cost of maintaining the wires for the electric grid. Net-metering, or using the electric grid to store electric power from rooftop solar, will soon reach its limit everywhere as has already happened in Hawaii, Nevada and a dozen other states. Advanced battery storage will be an essential part of the next wave of independent solar homes interconnected by microgrids.
Michael Kelly describes the appeal of Elecyr’s plug-and-play battery modules as “a natural for the Caribbean, where a customer can see a return on investment of less than two years on a product that will last decades.”
Elecyr Corporation is a leader in this new market for residential energy storage, along with Tesla and Sonnenbatterie. However, Elecyr’s adoption of nanotechnology in its batteries provides a unique solution for safe and extremely long-life residential storage that’s expandable from the smallest Tiny House to a large condo complex or an entire village.