By Arthur Piccolo

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Dec. 2, 2011: I have now written 42 prior commentaries, one every week for the last 42 weeks, all devoted to Barack Obama for NewsAmericasNow and yes I am getting bored with Barack Obama.

I’m trying to decide if he is still worth my time week after week going forward.

How many more times is it worth exposing him for the fraud he is? He is just another political con artist who won the ultimate lottery prize – the U.S. Presidency. He even has bamboozled the Occupy Wall Street crowd who have no complaints about Obama when Obama should be their #1 target if they want to change anything.

Of course Obama tries and has succeeded to convince us he is something else than what he is. That’s why he a successful con man and that’s how he got elected. I admitted it already numerous times in my commentaries that I like so many others voted for him enthusiastically. I migh, God help me, have been accused of Hero Worship early on, even before Obama started running for President.

Although I hate Koolaid and avoid it at every turn, even I drank Obama’s – even gulped it until I realized as soon as he actually became President on January 20, 2009, that I was drinking nothing but political sugar water.

Needless to say it’s not just Obama. That is what they mostly serve in Washington and lots of other places too – mind rotting Koolaid.
But once again Obama succeeded better than just about anyone else, making us believe he was serving us something both very nutritious and fresh. It wasn’t. It isn’t.

WHY didn’t we all get the message after he promised and promised that his campaign would not rely on the contributions of Fat Cats and that he would of course accept the public option to finance his campaign. Even more, as though he needed more of a reason, his opponent the Republican John McCain woefully trailing Obama in the polls. Obama could have beaten him spending no money but McCain took the Public Option.

Instead this consummate Con Man Barack Obama made us believe it was logical, even noble, that he was making a very good decision refusing the Public Option and instead telling us he wanted to raise record amounts of money to fund his general election campaign and did.

What Obama did was raise so much money he made a mockery of the very idea that money was not at the very heart of the American political system. And lots of Rich People did not write him the Very Big Checks for nothing in return. It’s not how they all got rich writing checks for nothing in return.

Barack Obama’s decision to refuse public funding for his campaign effectively destroyed if not forever for a very long time any possibility of diminishing the destructive all powerful power of money in politics. His justification that he had no choice was and is pure Bull Shit.

This time around Obama is even more audacious, having “proudly” (sic) announced with great fanfare that he wanted to break another
barrier an unbelievable barrier in raising money his goal is yes to raise ONE BILLION DOLLARS for his e-election campaign.

Label us all SUCKERS that we as Democrats, those of us as who are, would even think of nominating him to run again. But we will because the Obama Con has worked so well.

Then again neither you or I have any say in the matter. Those with the money do and they are delighted with Obama. Please more Bull Shit that Big Business or the Rich don’t like Obama. Is that why he is raising record amounts of cash for his re-election? Is that why he can’t host enough $30,000 a ticket fund raising dinners to feed the demand? Is that why he has raised far more money than ALL the Republican candidates combined?

As I said I am BORED continuing to write about Obama. Con Men do become boring after a while because each con starts to look just like their last con. But if I can force myself to keep writing how about the fact that more new details keep getting revealed about just how much money Obama and his WALL STREET bred Secretary of the Treasury Tim Geithner gave away to all those banks and investment firms far more than they have admitted to and billions of it pure profit for these firms and their leaders who raped the financial system and almost destroyed the entire system with their boundless greed. They love Barack Obama and they certainly should. What better than to have a friend with the keys to the Treasury in The White House who has much of the voting public conned into thinking he is their adversary? That he is protecting us from their greed. Ho Ho Ho!

Let me bring in some irony here. There is always irony. Talking about the Public Option. Let’s not forget the other Public Option con Obama pulled on us. Obama the candidate promised any health care plan he approved would contain a Public Option. It didn’t. Candidate Obama also ridiculed FORCING Americans to buy medical insurance from private companies. In fact that requirement is the key element in the health “reform” act Obama championed and signed.

Shall we continue? How about Afghanistan? What a con that has been Barack Obama who was elected as such a “critic” of the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq this misuse of American troops and funds. Yet, Obama gets away with conning Americans into thinking Afghanistan is different. That while Gorge Bush sent few American troops or American money into Afghanistan Obama has opened up the American spigot in Afghanistan with the large U.S. troop build ups and throwing in to Afghanistan – literally throwing in – hundreds of billions of U.S. dollars. For what to prop up one of the most corrupt countries and regimes on Earth and with billions completely unaccounted for. We elected Barack Obama to turn Afghanistan into his Iraq.

One more point – the deficit reduction commission Obama appointed last year whose mandate was to propose serious changes and significant deficit reduction. OBAMA REFUSED TO SUPPORT THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF HIS OWN OBAMA COMMISSION.

I can’t go on, at least this week. I am so bored with the Obama con. He is in fact such a predictable BORING typical political – one more hack U.S. President.

Although I am not Black, it is saddest of all to see Black Americans still supporting the Obama cult but for no other reason than his skin is Black, even though he has used his Black skin as a major part of his Con Game and in fact Black Americans are worse off today then when Obama got elected as the First Black President. How can that be?

And then to make it that much worse, Obama has the audacity to address Black audiences and berate them for not doing even more to support him and to work harder to ensure his re-election.

Then again it made perfect sense as Obama’s ultimate con to title his most popular work of authorship The AUDACITY of Hope. Think about it what a perfect title with its ‘hidden’ meaning right there in plain sight like Obama smiling broadly because he is such an audacious Con Man.
Again the AUDACITY of HOPE! Has anything ever proven more audacious than expecting change from President Barack Obama yes whose favorite slogan is you got it “ change we can believe in.” How about that phrase from the lips of a Master Con Man?

The question facing me is can I write yet another Obama commentary next week as I here and now conclude episode #43 – all of them devoted to the Obama con. Or will I move on to other topics that have more legitimacy?

We’ll see. Right now I don’t know. All I do know is Barack Obama will still be a Con Man a week from now.

Arthur Piccolo is a professional writer and commentator and often writes about Latin America for New Americas.

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