News Americas Now is THE ONLY black, woman and minority-owned, daily syndicated newswire in the US, dedicated to covering positive news on the Black Immigrant Community from the Caribbean and Latin America. It is also the one stop for the latest news on the Caribbean and Latin America. Our content is syndicated across 21 websites and through Google News, Apple News, SyniGate Media, Newstex, Tempo TV, the Caribbean Today in Florida, and on Social Media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.
News Americas focus is on immigration and immigrant news on the Caribbean and Latin American immigrant communities in the US; marijuana news, as well as breaking news from the Caribbean and Latin America including business news, travel news, politics and entertainment.
It has been quoted in major media including the BBC and the Guardian UK and has been named among the Top 35 Blogs in Latin America and one of the Top 35 Caribbean News Websites on the web.
It is owned by Felicia J. Persaud, the Founder and CEO of Invest Caribbean and Hard Beat Communications, an award winning digital PR and AD agency, with over a decade of experience on the Black immigrant markets and the Caribbean regional market, that also owns the brand, CaribPR Wire, the PR Newswire of the Caribbean.
Google News |
Apple News |
SyniGate Media |
Black immigrant News Reporters and Caribbean and LATAM Expert Opinion Leaders are urged to submit their independent breaking news articles and opinions for publication to [email protected].
EDITOR: Dave Frankel