“Is Everybody having Fun?”
By Arthur Piccolo

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. June 14, 2013: How pathetic is Barack Obama as President?

Let me continue to count the ways this week #124.

“This time next year, we will mark the final Memorial Day of our war in Afghanistan,” Mr. Obama said. “And so as I said last week, America stands at a crossroads. But even as we turn a page on a decade of conflict, even as we look forward, let us never forget as we gather here today that our nation is still at war.”

What “war” is Obama talking about? Surprise! He was being coy.

It’s whatever “war” you think it is.

Could just as well be his ‘war” on terror!

How about his drone “war?”

Or his “war” on reporters’ phone records?

Let’s not forget his “war” on Whistle Blowers … or

His “war” on illegal immigrants.

Then there is his surveillance “war” on all of us,

Or better yet his “war” on the American people.

Take your choice, Barack Obama is our WAR President!

Just as long as it gives him another excuse to hop on Air Force One again!

What his two terms really are, are a MASQUERADE party.

Barack Obama masquerading as something most of us who voted for him never thought he was – to the RIGHT of George W. Bush in too many ways.
And no doubt about it, it is a party for Barack and Michelle living in The White House and sparing no expense.

It all proves that Obama stands for nothing except getting the most out of the Presidency he can for himself. He is doing a very good job of it. While he lords over a country and a government without principles or vision or leadership that is in its declining stage of empire, which has happened to so many before beginning with the Egyptians and Greeks and Romans of antiquity, all the way up to the British Empire the big one before us.

So much material to dig into each week… so hard to make a choice, but since surveillance is so much in the news let’s go with Obama spying as well as the Chinese or better!

Let me pull out a few recent headlines at random for your painful “enjoyment.”

Financial Times … “NSA ACCUSED OF ‘ORWELLIAN’ Action.”

Wall Street Journal …” Obama’s Civil-Liberties Record Questioned.”

WSJ again … “The Spying on Americans Never Ended.”

And of course my primary source week after week ….

The New York Times … “Debate on Secret Data Looks Unlikely Partly Due to Secrecy.”

That’s right, this is Barack Obama’s “empire” of secrecy and spying on us, and what is his all purpose response, just as it was George W. Bush and all the other despots throughout human history? Yes Obama is “protecting us from terror.” At the cost of $60-$80 BILLION a year specific to this purpose that he is willing to admit to and all of it of course “buried in secrecy” to protect us of course or translated into non-Orwellian language – it is all kept SECRET so we don’t know: 1) how abusive it is, and 2) how much taxpayer $$ is being WASTED in pursuit of destroying our freedoms.

The irony here – and you now there is always irony – the Republicans are in a Quandary. I love to see Republicans in a Quandary – the deeper the better. All these Right Wing Whackos who never saw a police state government program they did not like and who think any Constitutional protections are a left wing conspiracy and who would eliminate all government spending except for the military and spying, have a problem now.

Obama has proven ruling class DEMOCRATS can be just as good, even better, at using government to collect information on Americans and using military “assets” to make themselves look like heroes in the manufactured “war” against terrorism.

That Republicans could be looking at yet another Democratic President after Obama who will continue and expand further government spying and terror programs and use them against targeted Republicans keep Democrats in power again and again.

So the Republicans could score big points against Obama and the Democrats in DC by denouncing the over the top spy programs and surveillance and secretly collect data about reporters slamming Obama for hiding his support behind waving the “war” on terrorism flag, and standing up for Americans freedoms but oh that but to do so would mean denouncing the Republican BS they have been running on for so long.

Not all Republicans are in a Quandary. Take a Dirt Bag like Peter King of Long Island who has made a very successful Congressional career for himself attacking anyone who ever questions any government program that relates to the Defense Department or the CIA, or targeted killings, or any U.S. military action etc., etc.. Demagogue Peter King is unrestrained in his praise for Obama acting so much like a Right Wing Republican!

Since I feel bad and I know I upset the New York Times if I don’t quote them in any episode of Obama’s America, them let me conclude with a few from one of the articles noted above “Debate on Secret Data Unlikely, Partly Due to Secrecy” ….

The paradox produced by the N.S.A. disclosures — the administration beginning a criminal investigation of the man who prompted the discussion Mr. Obama called useful — is only the latest of his presidency, as he has struggled to manage a sprawling security bureaucracy that encompasses drone strikes, cyber attacks, sweeping surveillance and a ballooning amount of classified information.”

“Despite a stated devotion to government transparency, he waited for years to speak publicly about drones and has yet to say a single word in public about the United States’ offensive use of cyber weapons. His administration, meanwhile, has set a record in prosecuting leakers.”

That’s enough. Time to get back to Barack’s MASQUERADE Party have some “fun.”

About The Writer: Arthur Piccolo is a professional writer and commentator and often writes about Latin America for New Americas.