News American, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Nov. 1, 2013: You can’t give away an Obama Halloween mask any more.
Times sure have changed but at The White House it is still the biggest night of the year. Everybody who is anyone shows up to scare each other.
We have gained exclusive coverage we have the story you won’t read anywhere else. Obama tries to keep it a SECRET like almost everything else but we have techniques to get through their security blanket.
So let me start by telling you about Barack and Michelle. He’s coming as he always does at The Invisible Man a role he plays flawlessly.
Michelle who came as GI Jane last year this year she is Snow White.
Angela Merkel is coming as a Cell Phone. Vladimir Putin is coming as Edward Snowden (a risky costume ). Benjamin Netanyahu is coming as an Atomic Bomb (a real nuclear weapon he’s got lots of them ) but if he can’t get through security he is coming as a Cry Baby. Hillary Clinton will be there as a Hooker and Bill Clinton dressed perfectly as her Pimp. They give the Obamas’ some real competition for Scariest Halloween Couple.
Let’s see. Yes Joe Biden is coming as a Giant Parakeet. George Bush is an Idiot yes but wearing a costume. Dick Cheney will be there as a Water Board. The Arab rulers don’t need costumes they always wear their sheets.
Hamid Karzai is coming as a big bag of American $100 dollar bills. Ted Cruz will be a used Tea Bag. Michael Bloomberg is a Giant Soda cup. Mitt Romney as a Beggar. John Boehner will be there as a Bottle of Tanning Lotion. Chris Christie will be a Horse. Andrew Cuomo as a Big Mouth.
There are so many more. But you get the idea they all know how to dress for Halloween at The White House. Nobody stays away or else!
Top Secret. Barack is going to entertain them all by spying on them. For a special few he may send them on a Wild Goose chase on the White House grounds and order a drone attack on them. Fireworks for everyone else!
If any of the guests get sick for a few laughs he is going to let them sit at his deck and use his computer to sign up for Obamacare. Yes everyone can dunk for apples if they like but instead of apples in the barrel are American Ambassadorships they can dunk for and win (if they pay enough).
In truth there is a BIG surprise Obama is planning. He is going to take everyone on Air Force One and continue the party there flying them here there and everywhere. And best of all when Air Force One is over their home state or country the Obama’s are giving each of them Presidential parachutes with their initials on them and having them jump out!
After all of them have experienced the Surprise of their lives then Barack and Michelle are going to all the most exclusive Halloween parties of the wealthy around the country in New York, Chicago, Hollywood most of all, and on and on trick or treating – everyone always treats them with promises of all the Obamas’ will get $$$$ once they leave The White House. Or else.
Yes tonight is a normal Halloween for the Obamas’ at The White House.