News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Sept. 19, 2014: Here in Obama’s America we can’t wait to find out the result of the Scottish independence referendum which has captured the imagination of the world.
Still it is a phenomenon worth exploring right here now …..
Because there is a message for America, especially in the reign of the Pretender President, Barack Obama, with another Pretender waiting in the wings – Hillary Clinton – who thinks it is her turn on the Presidential Throne…
and the Republicans are ready with their own slew of Royalists who want to move into The White House to rule over us. The Elite of the two wings of the Democratic Republican Party, or if you prefer Republican Democratic Party, is just waiting to take all the gold they can steal from the rest of us.
Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, etc. ,etc. What a sorry bunch of misfits in a nation that calls itself the leaders of the free world. Call them and the rest, the leaders of nothing worth following.
The Presidency is a contest of who is the Biggest self serving Air Bag. The current occupant leaves no doubt but neither will Hillary, Chris Christie or the rest we like Scotland should declare our INDEPENDENCE from.
What we have been witnessing in the lead up to the Scottish referendum is the power of an idea to capture our imagination everywhere. Here in America, it provides us a hint of what it must have felt like in the “colonies” back in 1776 when we were about to declare our own independence from Britain to end our oppression and to build a better society of our own.
Today we are witnessing oppression again, be it of a different sort; but the same emotions are afoot. Today’s oppression in America is now an oppression of the potential of most Americans to find a better future, which has always been the promise of America if not the reality. Now it is no longer even an unfulfilled promise; it only exists for less and less. The privileged among us like Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton who take their elite status and impose themselves on us as “celebrities” while contriving to be are like us because they raise the Democratic Party banner. Big deal!
Here is what more and more Americans are facing.
Lower incomes as they have been throughout the Obama Presidency. More and more with no worthwhile jobs at all in the evolving Age of Robots and ever more sophisticated automation. While they keep us in line selling us FEAR of terrorists and offering us their protection if we vote for them. Most of all there is just no more American Dream
Of course the other faction of our ONE Party state, the Republicans, are even worse. They are blatantly under the thumb of rich wing power brokers whose ONLY interest in America is how much richer it can make them at the expense of the rest of us. Again not that the other faction is really better!
Now that I have set this stage let me bring back my journalistic “partner” The New York Times, which has not made any appearance the last few episodes in Obama’s America.
Their new article is about relating the Scottish referendum to the same subject, if less specifically to America, and titled most appropriately: “Scotland’s Independence Vote Shows a Global Crisis of the Elites.” Right on target New York Times …..
Let’s take a look at what The Times has to say today …
“When you get past the details of the Scottish independence referendum Thursday, there is a broader story underway, one that is also playing out in other advanced nations.”
“It is a crisis of the elites. Scotland’s push for independence is driven by a conviction — one not ungrounded in reality — that the British ruling class has blundered through the last couple of decades. The same discontent applies to varying degrees in the United States and, especially, the Euro-zone. It is, in many ways, a defining feature of our time.”
Good opening NYT … let’s have some more ..
“What distinguishes the current moment is that discontent with the way things have been going is so high as to test many people’s tolerance for the governing institutions as they currently exist.”
“The details are, of course, different in each country.”
“The details of the policy mistakes are different, as are the political movements that have arisen in protest. But together they are a reminder that no matter how entrenched our government institutions may seem, they rest on a bedrock assumption: that the leaders entrusted with power will deliver the goods.”
“Power is not a right; it is a responsibility. The choice that the Scots are making on Thursday is about whether the men and women who rule Britain messed things up so badly that they would rather go it alone. And so the results will ripple through world capitals from Athens to Washington: People don’t think the way things are going is good enough, and voters are getting angry enough to want to do something about it.”
Now here is the most recommended published comment in The Times to the article 293 reader recommendations as of 7:14PM EDT….
No doubts about it, the systems are failing for the mass of people. The very rich and there large rich corporations are who are served by most governments. The corruption is present everywhere with the politicians being bought by the wealth to protect themselves and to plunder the treasuries with tax breaks, contracts etc.
This is very apparent in the USA where the pubic polls 70% agreement to change something and the congress votes the other way. We see less and less voter participation as they realize their vote does not matter.
The media talks about how much money the candidate can raise as their strong points. The congress meets seldom since most of their time is spent raising money to get re-elected. Many emails come across my desk each day asking for even more money for the congress to vote or act. It’s a huge loss of democracy and the people are realizing it. No wonder we are seeing the “rebels’ around the world. We will see them in our own country if things do not change.
How about an Obama’s America encore for this commentators close …
“No wonder we are seeing the “rebels’ around the world. We will see them in our own country if things do not change.”
And here is my close ..
Go away Barack Obama, Go away Hillary Clinton, Go away Chris Christie and all the rest of the of the one party, two factions Political Elite …..
We must do better.