News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Oct. 3, 2014: A little music please …
“Fools,” said I, “You do not know –
Silence like a cancer grows.
Hear my words that I might teach you.
Take my arms that I might reach you.”
But my words like silent raindrops fell
And echoed in the wells of silence
And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made.
And the sign flashed out its warning
In the words that it was forming.
And the sign said, The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls
And whispered in the sound of silence.
Thank you Simon & Garfunkel for coming to Obama’s America.
Sounds of SILENCE is definitely the subject of this week’s episode.
One more chapter in President Obama’s pathetic legacy.
So with the pivotal protests taking place in Hong Kong against Chinese oppression of a basic human right what is Barack Obama saying ….
SURPRISE …. Nothing at all.
But The White House did issue a statement ..
The President ….. “ hopes that differences between Hong Kong authorities and protesters will be addressed peacefully.”
Then they added The President will be traveling to China later this year. Gee isn’t that nice instead of saying he will NOT travel to China as long as the thugs in Beijing continue to oppress the people of Hong Kong.
How pathetic is his response to the massive protests taking place in Hong Kong. Predictably pathetic? Anyone who expected anything else from Obama is only fooling themselves. That would take Leadership.
Here is how is the recent Obama top advisor on China Jeff Bader, stated this position for the Washington Post today …
“We have to focus on reality, not purely idealism. The reality is Beijing is quite intractable. They have a different sensibility and perspective. It’s an illusion to project Western wishful thinking onto how they approach this issue. They see Chinese stability, as well as the leadership of the party, at stake. These are issues on which there is almost no room for compromise.”
There is fragility in China and the belief among the leadership that if something happens in Hong Kong there will be a contagious effect on the mainland that might prove irresistible. This underlies what they do. Those of us who have been dealing with China for decades shouldn’t be surprised by that. So none of us should delude ourselves that there could be a change of heart or softness coming from China just around the corner. They’re going to hold their line.”
Really …. An why is President Obama holding their REPRESSIVE line. Because he has neither the courage or intelligence to do anything else.
Now read what Obama China expert Jeff Bader says next …
“You need demonstrators and sensible leaders among the democrats to say, “This election China’s promised is better than what Hong Kong had before.” It’s universal suffrage; it’s the first time Hong Kong will ever have a competitive election for chief executive. It falls short of a free, open competitive election. But it is at least a competitive election, where candidates have to appeal to the public to win.”
Is this guy serious and Obama too? What election when the Beijing stooges hand pick who they will allow to run in the Hong Kong election. What election. It is a sham election. Calling this a good compromise. Jeff Bader is the guy who has been the person Obama appointed as his #1 voice on China. He has now left that position but Obama is saying nothing different.
And Obama is telling the Chinese rulers he is looking forward to visiting them in December when he should be telling them there is NO way he is going to China if Xi and the other oppressors do not allow FREE elections.
President Obama is taking his instructions on how to respond to this crisis straight from the Chinese government. Chinese Foreign Minster publicly yesterday warned U.S. funny man Secretary of State John Kerry for the U.S. “not to meddle in China’s internal affairs” meaning Hong Kong. What was Kerry’s reply he asked the Chinese to please show some restraint.
What an embarrassment both Obama and Kerry are even with China violating the most basic right we hold sacred FREE elections. If this was only a matter of principle that would be terrible enough but the fact that Obama does not have a Clue to the opportunity this provides the United States is devastating although of course predictable.
Here is what President Obama should have been saying and saying it himself in front of the cameras, he American people and the world …
I want everyone to know and the Chinese government most of all the American people stand with the hundreds of thousands of brave protestors in Hong Kong demanding free elections by 2017. There is no more basic right and the United States is built on the very concept of free elections.
It was the refusal of the British government over 225 years ago to allow the American colonist this basic right that led to the American revolution. Our support for the Hong Kong protestors is not meddling in internal Chinese affairs as they so callously claim it is human affairs that we are proudly meddling in and we will continue to do so and continue to do so in the face of threats from the unelected Chinese government.
I urge the leaders of every democratic nation on Earth to join is in condemning the refusal of the Chinese government to allow free elections in Hong Kong and we are prepared to bring sanctions against this regime as we have others around the world who violate basic human rights.
It is truly time for China to join in creating a free and open society.
What is the chance of Obama saying anything remotely like this. What is way, way less than zero? Those are the odds. And the Chinese know it.
And what would happen if we had a President who did do so?
The Chinese President and his corrupt lackeys would have a very big problem knowing that if they crush the Hong Kong protestors they will be serious consequences. It is relatively easy for the Chinese rulers to hold firm when they know Obama and others will not say boo to them.
But for the Chinese government to then do so and the vast majority of the world to condemn them and providing more brazenly then ever before, the Chinese regime are oppressors will destroy the credibility they need and crave to be accepted as equals let alone a great power in the 21st century.
Likewise as the word spreads throughout China that the world is condemning the Chinese regime for not allowing its people be free – no matter how big the government security apparatus and control of the media and the Internet – word will travel throughout China leading to massive protests many places in China and growing demands for change.
This is what the China regime fears more than anything else. If Xi and the rest know free elections in Hong Kong in 2017 is ONLY way to prevent this nightmare scenario for them they will allow FREE elections in Hong Kong. Because they will have NO other choice to save their regime!
So what does feckless President Barack Obama do just the opposite he makes it clear to the Chinese regime it is OK with him if they prevent free elections in Hong Kong. In fact he is looking forward to going to China in December and treating them as legitimate and signing new deals with them.
Weep for America the Weak with Barack Obama as President.
Let’s conclude this episode with a refrain from Simon & Grafunkel ..
Silence like a cancer grows.
Hear my words that I might teach you.
Take my arms that I might reach you.”
But my words like silent raindrops fell
And echoed in the wells of silence.