News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Nov. 7, 2014: O My GOD ….
Is it necessary to write more or should I end this episode right here??
How many ways can you spell DISASTER??
Let’s ask President Barack Obama. Sorry he doesn’t have a Clue. He doesn’t think this week’s Election results were a Big Deal. Maybe it’s time he checked himself into Bethesda for a brain scan. It’s free Barack, you don’t need Obama Care which wouldn’t cover it. You have a better deal for yourself and your family absolutely FREE medical care the best anywhere.
Sorry I am drifting off message. Not good to do this week especially.
The Democratic Elite have a very big problem whether Barack admits it or even knows it, they are BANKRUPT of anything to say. They and Obama have plenty of money from their Fat Cats but no message for the voters.
What is 6 years of Barack Obama worth? Absolutely nothing!
SORRY Hillary, that means you too and “partner” Bill. You and the rest of the Democratic Elite are a very sorry crew. Think about it; the Republicans have nothing to offer except to the Very Rich. Still they won very BIG of Tuesday. One of the biggest “sweeps” in American political history!
Why???? It was an ANTI-Obama vote but again before the rest of the Democratic Elite see any salvation here starting with Hillary, forget it. Barack, Hillary and the rest of the Democratic Elite are one big “united” (sic) mess that the vast majority of American voters just repudiated in favor of a bunch of equally WORTHLESS Republican Air Bags.
Let me repeat that …
Republicans, you did not win; Obama and the Democrats LOST, and that is a very big difference. The results have no positive value for Republicans except they get more power and loot for themselves which is fine for them but does nothing at all for the American people.
If any Dear Readers think the Republicans are now going to do something useful for you what is it???? Approve the worthless Keystone Pipeline to keep Big Oil happy. Put up even higher fences at the border and deport even more immigrants than Obama? Are the Republicans going to dismantle what is left of environmental protection? Are they going to spend even less on infrastructure? Are they going to take Federal money away from schools? Are they going to pass even harsher jail sentences for non-violent crimes? Are they going to send thousands of young Americans to die fighting ISIS and spend trillions more on war in the Middle East? Are they going to make ObamaCare even worse than it already is? Are Republicans going to put an end to medical marijuana? What exactly are the Republicans going to do???
They are going to do NOTHING that matters to you except give even more of America to the Filthy Rich and the Biggest Companies. Since very few of them are among the readers of Obama’s America they’ll do nothing for you.
In fact they will probably do nothing at all. Because some of the Republicans are smart enough to know they did not win Tuesday Obama and his Democrats lost. Pure and simple. If the Republicans now try to implement their radical soak the poor and middle class agenda it will be their turn to lose BIG in 2016 with Obama gone.
Although the Republican have a secret weapon for 2016 no matter what they do and it is HILLARY CLINTON. If they do nothing the next two years and pray HILLARY CLINTON is the Democratic nominee for President all the Republicans have to do is run AGAINST Obama-Clinton, and they will keep control of Congress and elect a Republican President too.
So logically the Republican agenda the next two years will be to run against Obama easy to do and very effective, then add HILLARY to the mix once she announces she expects to be crowned President in 2016 and that she and that her consort Bill Clinton will rule the nation and we their serfs.
All the Democratic Elite can do is hope the Republicans get very stupid and try to pass some wacky legislation the next two years. It is conceivable they are that stupid and out of touch too just like the Democratic Elite after all we only have one real political party in America the Republican Democratic Party or the Democratic Republican Party depending on who is talking.
So what are the rest of us to do. That’s easy …
REPUDIATE them both. And re-build a NEW Democratic Party.
Easier said than done. YES and no. But there is no other choice.
The rest of us are looking at an ever more dismal future and a deteriorating America otherwise no matter how good the economy is for the Rich and no matter how good our government is to them the Elite.
I will dig in deeper in upcoming episodes for right now my mind is on the big 200th episode party for Obama’s America in just 3 weeks. Don’t worry no Obama, no Clinton, no Elites just you and me almost 300 million of us.