Barack Obama Call His Limo The Beast.

By Arthur Piccolo

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Jan. 8, 2014: We learned yesterday – at least I did – that ….

President Barack Obama calls his fortress on wheels The Beast.

Yes, any President needs a fortress on wheels to insure their safety. No argument here. But his Golden Chariot is also beyond denial, rich with allegorical potential. No less than the King of England in times past, riding among the huddled masses traveling around London isolated from the Real World all about him in his horse driven Golden Chariot.

And in fact I only bring up Obama’s Golden Carriage, The Beast this week because he mentioned it to open his speech in Detroit Wednesday on yet another tour around the country. Restless now that his long Hawaii vacation is done, he is finding a reason to hop back on Air Force One and tell us yet again how lucky we are that Barack Obama is President of the United States.

Lucky, lucky, lucky us! So to the speech in Detroit …

What’s the first thing you want? More about The Beast? Ok if you want.

I’ll bring in a new media partner here – the little known but highly regarded Car Connection and their ace reporter Nelson Ireson …

“The exact specifications of President Obama’s limousine, also known as “The Beast,” are a matter of national security, and therefore kept secret, but some of the car’s key specs have been made public, and there are even more guessed at or postulated. Built by GM and nominally a Cadillac, the vehicle is actually based on the industrial-duty GMC TopKick truck platform. Thanks to its massive size and heft, The Beast drinks fuel at a rapid rate, scoring just 8 mpg.

“It’s known that the limo is heavily armored, with 8-inch thick doors, for example. The superstructure is made of titanium, ceramic, steel, and aluminum. It has its own oxygen supply, an advanced fire-fighting system, night-vision cameras, tear gas cannons, Kevlar-reinforced run-flat tires, and steel wheels that work even without a tire.

“On top of all that, the limo also contains a supply of the President’s blood for emergencies, an unspecified number of pump-action shotguns for defense, and the ability to lock down the cabin like a nearly-impenetrable panic room. The Beast is sealed to the environment, mitigating or eliminating the threat of biological attack.”

Is that enough? What? You want more?

“Unverified features of The Beast include the ability to fire infrared smoke grenades as a sort of chaff to screen the vehicle from attack by rocket propelled grenade or missile. Up front, the driver is thought to have a special video system to enable driving even in blackout or whiteout visibility conditions (smoke, complete darkness, weather, etc.).”

“Further communications equipment enables The Beast’s occupants to converse with several of the specialized vehicles that are part of the 45-vehicle motorcade that travels with the President in the U.S.”

Yes, that’s right! Obama travels with a 45 vehicle motorcade. Now do you understand why he is so far removed from the reality of our lives?

That’s it; I have to get to the real story his speech in Detroit.

President Obama opens with …The Beast!!!

“ Now, I have to say I love the Secret Service, I love the Beasts that they put me in and — that’s what we call the cars I drive in, “the Beasts.”  So I like my ride these days.  And it was made in Michigan, too.  (Applause.) ”

Done with that. So Obama was in Detroit and Phoenix this week to tell us all what a great job he is doing and why our lives are better than we think and why we should be thanking him NOT bashing him in Obama’s America.

And if you have any doubt here is what he says next …

“And that’s why I’m here today.  One of my New Year’s resolutions is to make sure that more Americans in Wayne, more Americans in Michigan, more Americans all across this great country — that everybody feels like they’re coming back.  And there is no doubt, thanks to the steps that we took early on to rescue our economy and to rebuild it on a new foundation, we are entering into the New Year with new confidence that America is coming back.”

That deserves an encore …

“And there is no doubt, thanks to the steps that we took early on to rescue our economy and to rebuild it on a new foundation, we are entering into the New Year with new confidence that America is coming back.”

Here is the deal – just as every “good” (sic) King does – Obama equates his extravagant life style as President just like everyone else. Otherwise stated as: “I’m doing very good; everybody is doing very good.”

Here is where The Beast plays a useful role in this week’s episode as allegory. Throw in Air Force One which gets him to Detroit and everywhere else. Obama is so removed from Real Life he lives in a Fantasy World in which anything he wants to think, he believes is true.

Second encore …

“And there is no doubt, thanks to the steps that we took early on to rescue our economy and to rebuild it on a new foundation, we are entering into the New Year with new confidence that America is coming back.”

America is coming back. Obama does not mean that in some vague way; he is telling his audience in Detroit and everywhere because of “me,” you like me, are coming back. Coming back is euphemism for the mythical  “the good life” of the past that never existed in reality. Yes for you wordsmith’s out there, I am using the term “euphemism” satirically and ironically here.

And just in case you don’t appreciate Obama’s euphoria…

Back to the speech …

“Now, you don’t have to take my word for it.  The facts are the facts.  And let’s face it, a lot of times the media doesn’t like reporting on good news, but every once in a while, it’s important for us to hear some good news, not to make us complacent, but to give us confidence that if we work harder, we can make even more good news.”

Lt’s have that again President Obama …

“Now, you don’t have to take my word for it. The facts are the facts.”

That’s right …  “the facts are the facts.” Who knows better than Obama!

And Obama tells us even more … “a lot of times the media doesn’t like reporting on good news” DEAR READER THAT IS THE PROBLEM!!

Does anyone doubt that is directed right at Obama’s America? That when things are going so good in America as Obama tells us “the facts are the facts!” Here, with just one exception just before Christmas, we have told a different story for 204 weeks now. Again what is Obama’s response: “a lot of times the media doesn’t like reporting on good news.”

Back to the speech …

“Here’s another way of thinking about it.  Since 2010, we, America, have put more people back to work than Europe, Japan, and every other advanced economy combined.  (Applause.)  Combined.  (Applause.)  And let me tell you what’s leading the way:  American manufacturing.  After a decade of decline, American manufacturing is in its best stretch of job growth since the 1990s.  Here in Michigan, manufacturers have created more than 100,000 jobs, helping to cut your unemployment rate in half.”

What President Obama does in his fantasy mind is equate these often low paying, often part time jobs with no security and many of them to be replaced by robots in coming years with HIS job and driving around in The Beast, and flying around on Air Force One and living in The White House.

For Barack Obama there are no inconvenient distinctions between his life of luxury and privilege and all those Americans he claimed he has put back to work by being “our” President. We’re all in this together in his mind.

If you have any doubt, listen to this. Back to the speech …

“So the point is we’re moving.  These six years have been tough, demanded hard work, demanded sacrifice on everybody’s part.  You guys know that more than most.  Which means that as a country, we have every right to be proud of what we’ve got to show for all that hard work.”

Let’s repeat part of that … with emphasis on the WE …. “WE have every right to be proud of what WE’ve got to show for all that hard work.”

Next comes …

“America’s resurgence is real.  Don’t let anybody tell you otherwise.  We’ve got the best cards and we are doing better than just about anybody else on Earth.  And now that we’ve got some calmer waters, now that the worst of the crisis is behind us, if we all do our part, if we all pitch in, then we can make sure that this rising tide is actually lifting all the boats, not just some.  We can make sure that the middle class is the engine that powers American prosperity for decades to come.”

Another encore here …

“America’s resurgence is real.  Don’t let anybody tell you otherwise.  We’ve got the best cards and we are doing better than just about anybody else on Earth.” Barack is talking about you not jut him. YOU ae resurgent. YOU have the best cards and YOU are doing better than just about anyone else on Earth. How do you know ?? Obama has just told you so!!

I will not burden you here with the rest of Obama’s speech it goes on and on and on – that would be cruel. It’s lots more of the same – Bla Bla Bla.

Let’s go right to the very end of it …

“When our assembly lines grind to a halt, we work together, we get them going again.  We don’t give up.  We get up, we fight back.  We come back stronger than before.  Thanks to the hard work of people like you, America is coming back.  And I’m going to be on your side every step of the way.”

Yes President Obama’s parting words in Detroit on Wednesday …

“And I’m going to be on your side every step of the way.”

Then he got back in The Beast to take him to Air Force One just one more stop on his endless journey to bring us the Good Life and tell us the Truth.

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