By Arthur Piccolo
News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. June 19, 2015: The Obamas’ threw a Big Party last Saturday night.
It was so secret it was not even listed on Obama’s schedule. And there is absolutely no guest list to be found anywhere.
What’s that? You didn’t hear anything about it? Well you weren’t supposed to know. Barack and Michelle didn’t want you to know. So what if he is President and it took place in The White House? Tough!
There is a much larger issue here. But let’s stay with The Big Party first because I want to entertain you even if President Obama doesn’t. Imagine if he did the right thing and recorded The Big Party so you could enjoy it too, since you are paying for it one way or another.
In fact, the Obama’s did pay the out of pocket expenses. After all they are members of the 1% but exactly what they did and didn’t pay for Saturday night an how much? SORRY that is a SECRET.
So what party am I talking about?
The one that 500 very special individuals got invited to last Saturday night and were all forced to promise they would say nothing about. The one where the star performers were Prince and Stevie Wonder. A Dance Party!
CEOs were there and lots of movie and TV stars. Seattle star Quarterback Russell Wilson was there. The kind of people Barack & Michelle hang with. The kind of people who will ensure the Obamas’ do very well in retirement.
You the Peons had NO business there, only here in Obama’s America.
Here is how Obama’s Press Secretary put it on Monday … “The President and the First Lady reserve the right to hold private parties at the White House, and they did it on their own dime.” He added that “most people across the country would acknowledge” that the Obamas’ should be able to “open their home up to guests for a private party on a Saturday night.”
Got it!
As for that SECRET guest list. The Washington Post, an infrequent contributor to Obama’s America did some digging for us … in addition to Russell Wilson his date “Ciara, Jon Bon Jovi, James Taylor, Obama besties Eric Holder and Arne Duncan, Oprah besties Gayle King and Tyler Perry, ABC stars Connie Britton and Tracee Willis Ross, Angela Bassett, fashion designer Naeem Khan, uber D.C. philanthropist David Rubenstein, American Express’ Ken Chenault and of course the first daughters.”
The names of most of the 500 sorry we will never know. You will be happy to know according to the NY Post that the “guests arrived at 9 p.m. and danced late into the night.” Let’s hope there was lots of good liquor and food of course. Did the Obamas’ pay for the food and beverage? Probably, but we’ll never know. How about The White House chefs and staff? Probably not!
OK that’s enough PARTY a lot more than you got from the Obamas’!
Here is the real point of this episode. Obama’s lack of TRANSPARENCY.
Since I am exhausted thinking about all the dancing I did not do Saturday night at The Obama Dance Party I am going to turn to a regular media partner here, The Wall Street Journal, to explain the unbelievable lack of TRANSPARENCY from Barack Obama, The Duplicitous President.
The very appropriate title of this WSJ piece from June 2, 2015, is “The Least Transparent Administration.” Here we go ….
“Most Administrations play games with FOIA, but the Obama White House has turned stonewalling into an art form. A favorite tactic is to ignore or string out the requests. That’s what State did in Mrs. Clinton’s case, claiming it simply couldn’t get around to issuing her emails until next year. A court order was needed to get it to move, and that’s typical across the Administration.”
“FOIA (Freedom of Information) request backlogs have more than doubled since President Obama took office. The feds received 714,231 FOIA requests in fiscal 2014, and nearly 160,000 weren’t processed within the legal time limit, up 67% from fiscal 2013.”
“Another trick is to impose sky-high fees. Under FOIA, certain groups (media, educational) are exempt from most fees, so agencies have taken to denying them their legitimate categorizations. The Department of Homeland Security is currently in court for having denied a research institute at Syracuse University educational status, which could cost the institute more than $100,000 for a FOIA request.”
“In March federal Judge Royce Lamberth blasted the Environmental Protection Agency for mishandling a FOIA request from a conservative group seeking to discover if the agency had delayed controversial regulations “in the run-up to the 2012 election.”
Congressional investigators have found examples of Obama officials excessively redacting information, or inappropriately shielding it from FOIA disclosure. The Administration is in particular abusing a FOIA exception that allows agencies to redact details that are legally privileged or “deliberative” – meaning that they relate to an agency’s decision-making process.”
“President Obama famously vowed to run the “most transparent” Administration in history. Instead he has presided over one that has systematically abused a law intended to assist public disclosure and keep government accountable.”
ENOUGH! The Party never ends at Obama’s White House!