News Americas, NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana, Thurs. Dec. 15, 2011: Print Tulane University students will allow its students to get the chance to earn six credits in Cuba during a four-week program that will resume next summer at the University of Havana.

The program had been offered from 1999 until 2004, when President George W. Bush restricted academic access to the island, which has been the object of a U.S. embargo for more than a half-century.

President Barack Obama reversed his predecessor’s ruling earlier this year, and organizers said they are hoping to send at least 20 students.

Tulane’s Cibam amd Caribbean Studies Institute, which is part of the Stone Center for Latin American Studies, is offering the program in collaboration with the University of Havana and the Centro de Estudios Hemisfericos de los Estados Unidos.

Courses will be available in Spanish and English.