News Americas, NY, NY, Sun. Sept. 11, 2016: Today, as many across the US and the world pause to mark the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attack, its easy to forget the many immigrants and Caribbean immigrants who died on September 11, 2001, in the heat of the anti-immigrant rhetoric that has marked this Presidential Election cycle.
Yet there were an estimated 110 known Caribbean nationals among the nearly 3,000 killed in the attacks of September 11, 2001 and February 26, 1993. Services are being held across the United States and the world today to mark 15 years since the 11 September attacks.
Six moments of silence were held in New York City today, to mark the times four hijacked planes crashed and the two World Trade Center towers fell.
The known Caribbean victims of 9/11 listed at the memorial are as follows per country. Let’s never forget as President Obama reiterated this year.
- Nezam A. Hafiz
- Eustace R. Bacchus
- Kris Romeo Bishundat
- Annette Andrea Dataram
- Ricknauth Jaggernauth
- Sarah Khan
- Amarnauth Lachhman
- Amenia Rasool
- Sita Nermalla Sewnarine
- Hardai Parbhu
- Delrose E. Forbes Cheatham
- Joyce Smith
- Vaswald George Hall
- Derrick Auther Green
- Joan Donna Griffith
- Courtney Wainsworth Walcott
- John Sylvester White
- Lloyd Stanford Brown
- Kerene Gordon
- Denise Marie Gregory
- Michael Richards
- Venesha Orintia Richards
Antigua & Barbuda
- Albert Gunnis Joseph
- Emelda Perry
- Catherina Henry-Robinson
- Colin Arthur Bonnett
- Pauline Francis
- Melissa Renée Vincent
- Fitzroy St. Rose
- Lucy Francis
Dominican Republic
There were an estimated 47 DR nationals who died on 9/11 including:
Pedro Checo
Faustino Apostol
Alvarez Victoria Brito
Janet Alonso
David Agnes
Frank Thomas Aquilino
Lilian Caceres
Eddie Calderon
Alejandro Castaño
Jaime Concepcion
Nestor Chevalier
- Mark Y. Gilles
- Andre Bonheur, Jr.
- Francois Jean-Pierre
Trinidad and Tobago
- Rena Sam Dinnoo
- Winston Arthur Grant
- Stephen Joseph
- Glenroy I. Neblett
- Boyie Mohammed
- Clara Victorine Hinds
- Anthony Portillo
- Goumatie Thackurdeen
Puerto Rico
- Edna Cintron
- Rosa J. Gonzalez
- Alexis Leduc
- Ivan Vale
- Santos Valentin Jr.
- Peter Vega
- Norberto Hernandez
- Diana B. Padro
- Carmen Milagros Rodriguez
- Sonia Mercedes Morales Puopolo
- Carlos Segarra
- Angel M. Pabon, Jr.
- Victor Daniel Barbosa
- Carlos R. Lillo
- Juan Nieves Jr.
- Waleska Martinez
- Paul DeCola, Matthew Diaz
Milagros Hromada - Isaias Rivera
- Linda Ivelisse RiveraIvan Antonio Perez
- Jeffrey G. La Touche
- Kevin Patrick York
- Rhondelle Cherie Tankard