News Americas, OTTAWA, Canada, Mon. July 29, 2024 — Today, the Coalition Against Workplace Discrimination released an internal report obtained through the Access to Information Act, which revealed blatant and widespread discrimination at the Privy Council Office (PCO). The federal government is Canada’s largest single employer, and it relies on the Privy Council Office to manage the public service, while also supporting the Prime Minister and the federal Cabinet. As such, the findings are extremely troubling, and a concern to all Canadians.

Coalition Against Workplace Discrimination holds press conference releasing internal report on Privy Council Office. (Photo credit: Blair Gable)

Dr. Rachel Zellars conducted interviews with staff over six months. She discovered that racial stereotyping, microaggressions, and verbal violence occurred regularly in the workplace. These issues had become normalized, even at the executive level. She also found that the culture discouraged reporting and lacked accountability mechanisms. Additionally, white employees and executives described career-advancing opportunities. These opportunities starkly contrasted with those available to Black, Indigenous, and racialized employees. The latter group remained clustered in temporary and lower-level positions.

In 2021, Ian Shugart, the then Clerk of the Privy Council, issued a Call to Action for public service leaders. He urged them to take specific and meaningful actions to address racism, equity, and inclusion. However, Black and racialized employees at the PCO reported that its Corporate Services department acted as a key barrier to fulfilling that Call to Action.


The PCO updated the Coalition on the steps they have taken since they released the report internally. While their list of initiatives shows some attempt to implement the report’s recommendations, it lacks the depth needed to fully address the systemic issues identified. Additionally, they have not yet addressed many key recommendations.

The Coalition Against Workplace Discrimination is calling for:

  • The resignation of Deputy Clerk Natalie Drouin, who was responsible for the discrimination file since 2021; and the resignation of Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet, Ministerial Services and Corporate Affairs, Matthew Shea, the head of Corporate Services since 2017.
  • The Canadian federal government to appoint a Black Equity Commissioner to address systemic anti-Black racism / Discrimination across all levels of government (similar to the two representatives appointed to address Antisemitism and Islamophobia)
  • The federal government to establish a department of African Canadian Affairs to centralize and give priority anti-Black racism work.
  • The federal government to immediately implement the Employment Equity Act amendments it promised in December 2023, to add Black Canadians as an employment equity group.
  • The federal government should provide restitution to Black public sector workers. These workers have launched a class action lawsuit. Their lawsuit is based on years of discrimination. Multiple federal reports have identified this discrimination.

QUOTES Regarding Discrimination in Canadian Privy Council

“It is shocking that this level of blatant discrimination occurred in one of Canada’s highest offices. Once again, those who have been perpetrators of discrimination are being tasked with implementing change. This approach has consistently failed, and it’s time for real arms-length accountability mechanisms, and structural changes to meaningfully address anti-Black discrimination.” Nicholas Marcus Thompson, President, Black Class Action Secretariat.

“This report underscores the urgent need for the federal government to immediately table the Employment Equity Act amendments, in line with the Task Force’s recommendations. Additionally, the government must swiftly settle the class action filed by Black public service workers to address the systemic discrimination they have endured.” Larry Rousseau, Executive Vice President, Canadian Labour Congress.

“As representatives of professionals working within PCO, we are outraged that such discriminatory practices have been allowed to persist. It is clear that significant, structural changes are urgently needed to create a fair and inclusive workplace for all employees. The federal government must act decisively to implement the necessary reforms and ensure accountability at all levels.” Nathan Prier, President, Canadian Association of Professional Employees.


The Coalition Against Workplace Discrimination

It is to battle discrimination in Canadian Government and other workplace discrimination and consists of:

The Coalition previously highlighted discrimination at the Canadian Human Rights Commission, which is currently being investigated by an international accreditation body.

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