News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Feb. 8, 2013: When it comes to Facebook activity, the Spanish Caribbean continues to lead the entire region, a top Caribbean digital marketing agency says.

GetConnectiD this week released data to show that the Spanish Caribbean countries lead in Internet users as well as time spent being on the social network site. Data culled by the agency’s Social Caribe arm, shows that the Dominican Republic with over 2.7 million FB subscribers as of last December, takes the top prize for most Caribbean users on the social network. The total number of DR islanders on line is put at over 4.6 million by GetConnectiD analysts.

The DR was followed by Puerto Rico with over 1.2 million FB members as of this February 6, 2013. That’s almost all of the 1.7 million Internet users of the island.
No other Caribbean country broke the six figure mark as of this month. Jamaica grabbed the third spot for with 690,000 FB users, the highest, however, for the English-speaking Caribbean. Overall, there are over 1.5 million Internet users in the land of reggae and Bolt!

Trinidad & Tobago was fourth in the top five most users on Facebook with over 485,000 of its 650,000 plus online users while Haiti grabbed the fifth spot with over 400,000 FB users.

The number, however, is almost 50 percent of the 800,000 plus total Haitian Internet users in the French Caribbean nation.
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