This Is What We Need To Occupy
By Arthur Piccolo

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Oct. 14, 2011: I just returned from Zuccotti Park.

I went looking for one of the leader only to find out what others have said – there are none. Nor any specific agenda around which the protesters are rallying. There is clearly rage and dissatisfaction. That’s it. No direction. No leadership.

I have a message for them even if standing right in the middle of the park there was no one to deliver it. The protesters in Zuccotti Park in Lower Manhattan and now other places around the nation are in the wrong place.

They are in the wrong place for the very reason we do not occupy the right place The White House. That is where we need to be.

Ironies of ironies is that the person NOT occupying The White House for us is claiming the Occupy Wall Street protests as his own. Just the latest chapter in the Con Man Presidency of Barack Obama. As bad as he is, these protesters are worst for not directing their fury at him.

There is a sense of foreboding at the park. Friday morning they may all be gone from Zuccotti Park as Mayor Bloomberg has ordered that the park be “cleaned” and everyone must leave. But what is the point of staying there when they are in the wrong place anyway. They need we need to OCCUPY The White House.

There is a not so hidden message in that message. It is that the Occupy Wall Street movement needs direction. There is only one direction possible to have an impact. Where the Great Pretender does business. The protesters will get nowhere targeting bankers or Republicans because they can’t do anything to impact either. The White House is another story.

It is ironic that Occupy Wall Street is so actively compared to the Tea Party Movement. It is very logical in one way but ridiculous otherwise. Yes OWS has the same kind of initial energy borne of a comparable resonance but the Tea Party activists quickly realized their power was in pressuring and intimidating Republican elected officials. They did it so well they virtually took over the Republican Party even if the Tea Party isn’t really a political party and that it represents but a fraction of the Republican Party.

Occupy Wall Street has not gotten that message. Simply occupying small pieces of real estate in cities across the nation without leadership or an agenda will only guarantee nothing of substance will come of all this fury, thunder and drum beating. Ultimately signifying nothing useful.

At the same time, exactly duplicating the Tea Party strategy will not work either. The idea of this amorphous group staging primary battles across the country to unseat complacent Democrats in Congress is not going to happen. Certainly not in the time frame as action is required right now for the next election is 2012 bearing down on us right now.

Yes it is going to take some kind of “miracle” for Occupy Wall Street to transform itself into something else and quickly but that is the only hope this movement has to change the course America is on. And there is ONLY one target that can accomplish the goal and it is not any greedy banker or other usual suspect.

President Barack Obama must become the target of the movement. It is Barack Obama who has FAILED us; who conned us into electing him because he would bring CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN from sea to troubled sea.

Instead we got scammed. Sadly it seems those involved with Occupy Wall Street don’t have a Clue who the real enemy in our midst really is. The Great Pretender is sitting in The White House. It is President Barack Obama, the most powerful person in government right now who holds the keys to the kingdom the dissatisfied and beleaguered who make up Occupy Wall Street and who support this movement want to bring change to America.

More irony. It is only the phony change master who can really be forced to change by the Occupy Wall Street protesters. That’s if they got it – which they haven’t so far. Instead they wander around Zuccotti Park, at least until Friday morning, and elsewhere in a daze, wanting change but having no idea how.

Barack Obama desperately wants that second term so he and Michelle can luxuriate at no cost to them and at our great expense for four more years. To say they love the life style of being President and First Lady would be an understatement of cosmic proportions. He has sold us all out in pursuit of that goal. Staying in The White House. Refusing to take bold positions we need. So as he thinks he will be able to offend few to get the Electoral College votes he needs to keep The White House four more years.

Well STRATEGY at its best is taking one’s own weakness and the other players strength and using it against them to make them weak and you strong. The ONLY way Barack Obama will change his recalcitrant ways and the ONLY way Occupy Wall Street is going to accomplish anything specific is by moving beyond the unfocused state of this wannabe movement and give it some shape and bark is if they put Barack Obama on notice.

Either he quickly turns into a very progressive Democrat or Occupy Wall Street must employ its only and powerful nuclear option organza – a DUMP OBAMA campaign.

Why should Occupy Wall Street have any interest in re-electing a traitor to our cause? The chant needs to be OBAMA MUST GO in favor of a some other Democratic candidate in 2012 who does not carry water for the Status Quo. Do they understand this? Probably not!

If Barack Obama starts to feel the heat if OWS turns into a movement to bring change within the Democratic Party and becomes antagonistic to the current version of Obama then Obama will gain a new and very potent FEAR losing the election. He will have to make a choice adopt a bold progressive agenda speak and act like the 99% of us or LOSE our support and the election.

Arthur Piccolo is a professional writer and commentator and often writes about Latin America for New Americas.

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