News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Mar. 24, 2017: Wall, Wall on the Border. Who’s the Dumbest of them all?
It’s all about Trump’s Folly. Humpty Dumpty build a Great Wall; Humpty Dumpty Trump about to Fall From his border Wall.
Watch it come crashing down on his collapsing Presidency
Ho, Ho, Ho, Donald is so Dumb!
Another FIRST poetry in Trump’s America; be proud Donald! Never was any poetry in 313 episodes of Obama’s America You must be special! NOT!
But it certainly seems there is NO poetry in Trump’s White House. I will get to the WALL but President Trump has far more problems. His “shell” is cracking into many pieces and there may be NO putting him back together.
Look at this breaking news as I write Dear Readers …
From our partners at The New York Times ….
“WASHINGTON — President Trump agreed to the demands of conservative House Republicans to remove federal requirements that health insurance plans provide a basic set of benefits like maternity care, emergency services, mental health and wellness visits as he struggles to round up enough votes to pass a broad health care overhaul.”
Donald, it is NO fun being President as you already learned …
What kind of ANIMALS in the Republican Party DEMAND …
“remove federal requirements that health insurance plans provide a basic set of benefits like maternity care, emergency services, mental health and wellness visits.”
That is WRONG on so many levels but I will limit myself to a few.
What total HYPOCRITES … these very well paid Congress Members and their families have the BEST health insurance plans in the world, which we pay for one way or another that most certainly includes … “that health insurance plans provide a basic set of benefits like maternity care, emergency services, mental health and wellness visits.”
How VICIOUS are they to REMOVE …” that health insurance plans provide a basic set of benefits like maternity care, emergency services, mental health and wellness visits.”
How STUPID are they ….. when these necessary services will reduce the costs of health care by preventing far worse that the federal government will be left paying for anyway?
But WORST of all …. President Donald Trump agreed to these horrendous demands further undermining his claims to be the President for ALL Americans when in fact this proves he is the President for the rich and powerful Americans. And the greedy always win out.
And of course he is voluntarily slashing funding to useful program after useful program of tremendous VALUE to most Americans? WHY … to pay for his INSANE wall and WASTEFUL increase to what is already far and away the largest military budget on Earth; far exceeding China or Russia, and excuse me, make that China and Russia combined spending on the military.
Trump does not have to be concerned about any whacky so called Democratic Party leaders taking him down with or without Russian “fantasies.” Trump is taking himself DOWN with “help” from Republicans.
This is not “The Art of the Deal” … it’s the art of the squeal as the White House reels from the never ending problems it faces. We know where Trump will be fleeing this weekend on Air Force One … Mar-a-Lago!!!
Back to the WALL of shame; how much will it cost and never be built?
Whatever cost Trump puts on the wall – $10 BILLION .. $ 20 BILLION – it will be a fabrication. The cost, not the wall, which is all he will be able to fabricate because the wall never will be fabricated except in his mind.
A fundamental reason why beyond the ridiculous cost, we learn that Trump expects us to give up in other programs to fund it and how he won’t be able to do other infrastructure project because of the cost of the WALL but …
There is yet a bigger problem – all the HOLES in the wall all the places he won’t be able to conceivably build a WALL for topography reasons and because he cannot get control of the land in other places which will mean those who want to get past the wall, will come up with ingenious ways to do so just be as they did before the so called wall Trump wants to build.
Trump has a far “better” way to discourage immigrants by just being President. That gives anyone pause about coming to America while he is President!
EDITOR’S NOTE: About The Writer: Arthur Piccolo is a professional writer and commentator and often writes about Latin America for New Americas.