News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Weds. Nov. 27, 2019: A flock of WILD Turkeys is what this episode is about ….
It’s the annual Thanksgiving episode of Trump’s America. A tradition that began back in the days of Obama’s America “long ago.” The good news / bad news is that there are more TURKEYS in Washington than any place else.
We begin with The Turkey-In-Chief, President Donald Trump. It is impossible to find a Bigger Turkey than Trump – both in size and “quality” (sic). Trump was a turkey long before he ever became President. In fact, he has been a turkey all his life and certainly deserves to be Turkey-In-Chief. He earned it!
In all fairness, Barack Obama was no slouch as Turkey-In-Chief for 8 years. A different breed of turkey than Donald Trump but every bit as much one. It is much more than the color of their turkey meat that separates them.
Wait a moment, you are right. I need to define the meaning of “turkey” so it is crystal clear what I mean. Let’s go to the SLANG dictionary ….
“A person or thing of little appeal; dud; loser. a naive, stupid, or inept person. A poor and unsuccessful theatrical production; flop.”
That works fine!
Now of course based on this definition, both Trump and Obama supporters may not see their guy as a turkey while agreeing the other is a first-class turkey. Luckily, I am here to tell the objective truth we all need to hear.
Donald Trump is TURKEY-In-Chief because he is a terrible President; because he is a pawn for an outdated destructive right-wing mentality, a right-WING turkey and needless to say a best friend of the rich and powerful.
As for Barack Obama he was TURKEY-In-Chief and remains a big TURKEY, a so-called left-WING turkey for very different reasons – for masquerading as something other than a turkey while being one all along.
As I wrote so often when Obama was President in those episodes and still do when the opportunity arises, Obama was and is a master of deception more than anything else. I am not surprised so many did not see him as the turkey he was and still is. Allow me a timely example ……
This important article in The Washington Post, yes, The Washington Post, titled “Barack Obama Conservative.” Obama has disguised that from many.
Allow me to quote from the article …
“This month, at a gathering of influential Democrats, he (Obama) cautioned the 2020 contenders against pushing too far, too fast on policy: ‘This is still a country that is less revolutionary than it is interested in improvement.’”
That could be coming out of the mouth of any well-known Conservative Republican or President Trump … “This is still a country that is less revolutionary than it is interested in improvement.”
Then this from the article …
“That remark helps explain why so many of the candidates’ proposals seem so far to the left of Obama. The former president was skeptical of sweeping change, bullish on markets, sanguine about the use of military force, high on individual responsibility and faithful to a set of old-school personal values. Compare that with proposals from his would-be successors: Medicare-for-all, the Green New Deal, free college, a wealth tax, universal basic income.”
“The former president was skeptical of sweeping change, bullish on markets, sanguine about the use of military force, high on individual responsibility and faithful to a set of old-school personal values.”
That’s right – all those Democratic Presidential candidates and so many of the rest of us calling for real CHANGE in America so that the 1% don’t control our lives, our nation, our future, all the wealth and power …..
In Barack Obama’s world, we are all RADICALS he disagrees with. Is there a better definition of a TURKEY than Barack Obama himself?
NOW are you ready for even more from this article …
“Given the political climate, it’s no surprise to see the party’s base clamoring for something dramatic. But the contrast between Obama’s steady approach and the seeming radicalism of his Democratic heirs can’t just be chalked up to changing times. It’s because the former president, going back at least to his 2004 Senate race, hasn’t occupied the left side of the ideological spectrum.”
“He wasn’t a Republican, obviously: He never professed a desire to starve the federal government, and he opposed the Iraq War, which the GOP overwhelmingly supported. But to the dismay of many on the left, and to the continuing disbelief of many on the right, Obama never dramatically departed from the approach of presidents who came before him.”
Again …. “Obama never dramatically departed from the approach of presidents who came before him.”
How often did I write about it?
Then the author delivers his PUNCH line…
“There’s a simple reason: Barack Obama is a conservative.”
YES, he is. YES he is, as I have long written in so many episodes! The way I put it is Obama is a Master of the Status Quo and always has been.
What about his so-called signature success that his supporters gloat over and never stop doing so – OBAMACARE? Here is how the current issue of The Economist describes the impact of Obamacare …..
“Mr. Obama cut a deal with America’s powerful health-care lobbies and built a grand coalition for reform that included hospitals, insurers and Big Pharma.
“Unfortunately, since that success the second problem—exorbitant costs—has spiraled even further out of control. Health spending has risen from 17.3% of GDP before Obamacare was passed to 17.9% today. The average figure for rich countries is 9%.”
Thanks for nothing Barack.
That’s right, Obamacare was CONSERVATIVE. President Obama’s GIFT to the medical and hospital industries. Obama is a First-Class Turkey.
Enough about these Two Turkeys in Chief; there are so many other turkeys in government in Washington, DC; plus I have so much cooking to do for tomorrow’s Thanksgiving Feast I can’t go on and on this episode.
Let me highlight some of Washington’s other “greatest” (sic) TURKEYS …
There are so, so many but I will limit myself to the very “best” Turkeys …
Nancy Pelosi – CLUELESS Turkey;
Jerry Nadler BIG Turkey;
Joe Biden – ANCIENT Turkey;
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez – WACKY Turkey;
and some who want to be Washington turkeys:
FAT CAT Turkey Michael Bloomberg;
UNQUALIFIED Turkey Pete Buttigieg;
SECRET Turkey Whistle Blower.
Yes, I could go on and on but I have to start cooking so just a few more …
MEDIA Turkeys: every on air person at the Comedy News Network.
Finally – THE WORST TURKEY OF THEM ALL anywhere ….
ROTTEN Turkey Adam Schiff!
Congratulations he is the #1 Turkey.
For all my many readers; have a Wonderful Thanksgiving and … may you NEVER become a Turkey in Washington, DC or anywhere
(This series dedicated in honor of the late Liu Xiaobo & Jamal Khashoggi)