News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Jan. 24, 2020: I did it and I am so proud of myself …
This episode is NOT about impeachment but something equally ridiculous.
An even larger gathering of the world’s biggest BS artists at DAVOS, the hypocrite capital of the world for one week each year … where Trump was.
DISCLAIMER … if any of my readers hear a rumor that I am just bitter that my publisher would not send me to DAVOS that is Fake News! Sure, it would have been nice to be in DAVOS with all the global elites rich and powerful, making some great deals for myself and PARTYING like no place else but …
I am still happy to be here at my desk writing about DAVOS even if I would have also liked to be on one of these “more than 1,500 private jets and helicopters expected to fly to Switzerland this week as business leaders join presidents like Trump and prime ministers for the World Economic Forum.”
So, I could speak out on inequality, climate change and so many other issues the rich and powerful are so passionate about and they are putting their money where their mouths are and partying hard. Do you realize how expensive it is to fly their polluting big jets to Davos and back before going someplace else?
And do you know how expensive it is to rent a hotel room in or near Davos this week let alone a more appropriate elite luxury suite? Join me in praying none of them are forced to suffer having to sleep on their private jets.
They are here to SAVE the world. They deserve to be treated well and thank God I can report they are being treated very, very, very well. I feel better!
And while I am not there sadly, the good news is my most reliable media partner, the propaganda masters, aka The New York Times, which has decided Elizabeth Warren or Amy Koehler who should be elected President, are free to head to Davos this week for Trump’s America.
Keep in mind this is not just any year in Davos, this is the all-important 50th anniversary of the so-called World Economic Forum and drawing even more elites there and calling for even bigger and better PARTIES this time!
Once again, let me remind you I am NOT all that bitter I am not there.
And please do not ever get the impression that what goes on in Davos is not SERIOUS business – very SERIOUS business. There is no other event all year long where so many of the rich and powerful get to see so many other rich and powerful all together and in one small town too.
All kinds of deals get done in Davos. That is what you do if you are rich and powerful – you make deals with each other. It is also a golden opportunity for them to commiserate with others like themselves about how unfairly the rich and powerful are treated even while they do so, so much for the rest of us.
Could any of us imagine a world without their LEADERSHIP? NO!

That is why they are OUR LEADERS in government everywhere, and all the world’s industries, global media, the arts, etc., etc. – but still the troublemakers criticize them even DEMONIZE them. IT IS VERY, VERY UNFAIR!
Still so many of these rich and powerful SAINTS make the sacrifice anyway and come to Davos in the winter too for all of us – to SAVE the world again and again.
And we need them more than ever because in spite of their Herculean efforts, the world just keeps getting worse for more and more of us.
The problem is obvious. The rich and powerful need even more power and wealth so they can work even harder for the rest of us. We can at least be thankful the rich and powerful each year are getting even wealthier and more powerful. And another very good sign is that each year, there are even more Global and American Billionaires to SAVE the world for the rest of us.
My one fear I want to share with all my readers that I do not see being written about elsewhere is that as the ranks of the very rich and very powerful continues to grow, they will soon OUTGROW Davos.
This cherished gathering will be forced to move elsewhere where there are more super luxury hotels and more places to host very glitzy parties, and yes, a BIGGER airport!
I am worried that if so, Davos may lose its charm for the rich and powerful and they will begin to wander away from it and less and less of them will gather together once a year to SAVE the rest of us and the world. What then?
Then what will happen to the rest of us? I tremble at the very thought.
Luckily for this year at least we do not have to worry. As my elite media partner in Davos, The New York Times reports …
“Critics say the gathering of elites is out of touch. But the World Economic Forum’s founder, Klaus Schwab, is still making the case that the annual event in Switzerland makes a difference.”
Got that? Davos still makes a difference.
Now I can end this episode knowing we are all being saved in Davos!
(This series dedicated in honor of the late Liu Xiaobo & Jamal Khashoggi)