News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Nov. 10, 2017: Turns out there are so many scary monsters in our midst …
I need to devote two episodes in a row to MONSTERS destroying America.
This week’s monster to illustrate the problem of monsters in our midst is Apple’s CEO Tim Cook, a very bad monster.
What exactly are monsters here in Trump’s America? Yes of course Donald Trump is always Monster #1. The DANGER is to just focus on him as the monster in our midst.
As the so called Democratic Party “leader’s do and yes the Comedy News Network, (CNN).
It would be so much simpler if Trump was the only monster in our midst. But eliminate President Trump as may fantasize and SORRY, that will not end the problem not much at all.
That is why Monster Tim Cook is such an illustrative example to feature as the face of this week’s episode. Cook, the successor to the “God like” Steven Jobs who it turns out was a monster just like Cook, as he is following in his monstrous footsteps.
In fact, they are both GREEDY merchants, which is a very good definition of a monster as I use the term.
Now you know the truth; there are so many monsters in Americans and all over the world that others be they minor examples compared to Corporate Big Wigs and their global companies. Like Madonna, aka Louise Ciccone, Bono, Old Betsy Windsor, aka Queen Elizabeth – all glutinous MONSTERS!
What do all these corporations and individuals have in common?. No matter how profitable or rich they are, and as low as their legitimate tax obligations is already, they all use every trick in the book to hide their wealth to avoid paying any taxes at all.
As I call them – MONSTERS who ROB society of hundreds of BILLION $$$ in taxes they owe each year, leaving the rest of us poorer and government woefully UNDER funded.
Which brings me to the special rotten “meat” for this episode. After giving all my media “partners” off last episode, this week I will turn to my #1 partner – The New York Times – to expose these monsters for you Dear Readers.
By the way, first an insider’s secret….
I am working on a SCARY movie script in which all these monsters are horrible aliens from another galaxy far away, who come to Earth and live in America and elsewhere disguised with names like Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Steve Jobs, Tm Cook, etc. and create iPhones, e-commerce, social media, etc. to enslave and destroy the Human Race and take over.
It is going to be a very scary movie X rated; and yes President Trump has a major role.
Don’t tell anyone; this is Top Secret but I wanted my loyal readers to know.
Now in turning to this week’s episode – one more useful aside. Keep in mind I am writing this rather than about the proposed Republican tax plan. Forget about their convoluted Whack-A-Molie tax plan. It does not matter, because all these wealthy MONSTERS don’t care. They don’t pay tax on their loot.
Now to the problem and NY Time .. I will merge two articles here …
“After a Tax Crackdown Apple Found a New Shelter for It’s Profits,” the other article “Paradise Papers Shine Light on Where the Elite Keep Their Money.” Savor all this stuff then puke it up …
“We pay all the taxes we owe, every single dollar,” Mr. Cook declared at the hearing. “We don’t depend on tax gimmicks,” he went on. “We don’t stash money on some Caribbean island. True enough. The island Apple would soon rely on was in the English Channel.”
“Apple has accumulated more than $128 billion in profits offshore, and probably much more, that is untaxed by the United States and hardly touched by any other country. Nearly all of that was made over the past decade.”
“The previously undisclosed story of Apple’s search for a new tax haven and its use of Jersey is among the findings emerging from a cache of secret corporate records from Appleby, a Bermuda-based law firm that caters to businesses and the wealthy elite.”
So it took another Wiki Leaks type document dump or Apple and so many others would still look like “model citizens. (sic). Models from HELL!
“The documents reveal how big law firms help clients weave their way through the gaps between different countries’ tax rules. Appleby clients have transferred trademarks, patent rights and other valuable assets into offshore shell companies, avoiding billions of dollars in taxes. The rights to Nike’s Swoosh trademark, Uber’s taxi-hailing app, Allergan’s Botox patents and Facebook’s social media technology have all resided in shell companies that listed as their headquarters Appleby offices in Bermuda and Grand Cayman, the records show.”
Then this ..
“Indeed, tax strategies like the ones used by Apple — as well as Amazon, Google, Starbucks and others — cost governments around the world as much as $240 billion a year in lost revenue, according to a 2015 estimate by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.”
“Indeed, tax strategies like the ones used by Apple — as well as Amazon, Google, Starbucks and others — cost governments around the world as much as $240 billion a year in lost revenue.”
Repeat after me …
These wildly profitable corporations led by sacred cow APPLE which already works the ax codes to “perfection” to pay much lower taxes than they should on reported profits are not satisfied with that they want MORE so they completely hide lots of their profits and pay NO tax at all.
Just like at a baseball game let’s stop for a moment for a rousing chorus of God Bless America” and do not take a knee please ..
Feel better now let’s get back to the game of SCREW the rest of us!
Are you ready for this?
“The disclosures come on the heels of last week’s proposals by Republican lawmakers to provide several new tax benefits for multinational companies, including cutting the federal corporate income tax rate to 20 percent from 35 percent. President Trump has said that American businesses are getting a bad deal under current rules.”
Straight from the Big Monster Trump himself …. “American businesses are getting a bad deal under current rules.”
Trump has a future in COMEDY!
Trump is not the only monster trying their corporate hand at comedy …
“An Apple spokesman, Josh Rosenstock, declined to answer most questions about the company’s tax strategy. He did say that Apple had told regulators — in the United States and Ireland and at the European Commission — about the reorganization of its Irish subsidiaries. “The changes we made did not reduce our tax payments in any country,” he said.”
“He added: At Apple we follow the laws, and if the system changes we will comply. We strongly support efforts from the global community toward comprehensive international tax reform and a far simpler system.”
“In prepared statements, Allergan, Facebook, Nike and Uber said they complied with tax regulations around the world.”
Absolutely Hilarious!!
There is so much more and you can read the entire article online. But I know you have other things to do right now LIKE PAY YOUR TAXES so …
Let me turn to the other NY Times article right away ..
“Paradise Papers Shine Light on Where the Elite Keep Their Money”
Here we go … “enjoy” the ride you are paying for it!
“The core of the leak, totaling more than 13.4 million documents, focuses on the Bermudan law firm Appleby, a 119-year old company that caters to blue chip corporations and very wealthy people. Appleby helps clients reduce their tax burden; obscure their ownership of assets like companies, private aircraft, real estate and yachts; and set up huge offshore trusts that in some cases hold billions of dollars.”
“The fortunes of the superrich are growing more quickly than the wealth of everyone else, thanks in part to offshore companies the elite use to minimize their taxes. Queen Elizabeth II, Madonna and Bono have all taken advantage of such companies, the documents reveal. Americans are big customers: The hedge fund billionaire James H. Simons and his family were beneficiaries of a massive trust in Bermuda. And Warren A. Stephens, who aggressively grew a family investment bank in Arkansas, used an opaque company to hide his stake in a payday loan business accused of exploiting the poor.”
Another ENCORE …
“The fortunes of the superrich are growing more quickly than the wealth of everyone else, thanks in part to offshore companies the elite use to minimize their taxes. Queen Elizabeth II, Madonna and Bono have all taken advantage of such companies, the documents reveal. Americans are big customers.”
Feel better after puking your guts about this kind of stuff?
I don’t want to get you too sick so I will STOP here and spare you anymore.
You can read much, much more detail on line if you wish to get sicker.
My work is done this episode I have proven there are so many MONSTERS in our midst. Be careful who you deal or play with …..
They may be a MONSTER; only worry if they are very rich and greedy.
(This entire series is dedicated in honor of Liu Xiaobo)