News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Aug. 14, 2020: Everyone knows the NBA and NHL are inside a BUBBLE but ..
Did you know so is Congress? Inside and outside the Bubble!
No sorry, let me be more precise. “Technically” Congress is in session (sic) but in reality almost ALL members of the Senate and House are NOT here, but there and everywhere. NOT on vacation in August – except they are!
This is not about Republicans or Democrats but about ALL of them!
Can anyone conceive in the biggest national crisis of our lifetimes, with tens of millions of poor and middle-class Americans in danger of losing everything through no fault of their own but because of COVID-19 … that any member of Congress would head home until after Labor Day with no new COVID-19 relief bill or additional funds for the unemployed?
YES, you can. This is OUR U.S. Congress. None of them are in danger of losing their homes or anything else. Their BIG pay checks will keep coming no matter what. Their BIG offices and large expense accounts are in no danger at all no matter what happens. Along with their friends – the rich and powerful ….. like Jeff Bezos, Jamie Diamon, Mark Zuckerberg and the long list that goes on and on.
They are making more money than ever as a result of Covid-19. Sales of large expensive vacation homes, yachts and jets are at an all-time high .…
And most members of Congress – especially Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, do not need any more from Congress they are already getting so, so much they can’t figure out what the heck to do with all their loot so ..
WHY SHOULDN’T CONGRESS go on an “unofficial” vacation in August until Labor Day? The unemployed should stop being Cry Babies and let the members of Congress enjoy themselves, which they cannot do in DC.
The COVID-19 unemployed are just too full of themselves for them; it’s all about ME, ME, ME. How about worrying about members of Congress?
It is just terrible – the approval rating of Congress is just 18% – not much above murderers,
All this endless complaining by the COVID-19 unemployed; bitching about not paying their rent, not buying food, not being able to take care of themselves and their children. It is getting annoying, especially to members of Congress.
WHY should Republicans or Democrats stay in Washington? It is so, so hot and humid in the SWAMP. Most of them have beautiful homes back in their districts; many have vacation homes too that will be empty if they do not go on VACATION. Talk about suffering? Those homes were not cheap!
Then there is that very dirty word – COMPROMISE. Or as Nancy and Chuck would say as they hold up their middle finger – “compromise this.”
Compromise is for Wimps; even more there is a big election in November. The angrier voters and most of all the unemployed are, the better for them.
Nobody in Congress told poor people to be poor. It is their lifestyle choice. Sure, Congress is largely responsible for the absurd inequality in America but that is their choice. We live in a democracy, so they say, and everyone gets to choose what is best for them – whether they know it or not.
Congress staying in Washington in August and SUFFERING in the heat and humidity is not going to change anything. They have not passed another COVID-19 relief package for a reason; it will do nothing for members of Congress. They will NOT qualify for any of the benefits.
Besides, they already passed a BIG COVID-19 relief package in March that is now finished. That money is gone. Did it solve the problem? NO.
Have the unemployed STOPPED complaining? NO.
They just want more, more, more. They are just like the rich. Except the rich very much show their appreciation by writing BIG campaign checks to both the Republican and Democratic Parties, and much, much more $$$$$ to individual members of Congress.
Maybe if the unemployed had sent some of their COVID-19 free money payouts to members of Congress for their re-election, just like the generous rich do without even getting any COVID-19 $$ from the government rather than the unemployed squandering all of their Covid-19 $$$ on rent, food, utilities, they would care.
Then Congress would have an incentive to stay in Washington and pass more COVID-19 relief. Maybe it’s not too late? Make at least a gesture.
Send Nancy Pelosi some gourmet ice cream; she may take the bait. She LOVES ice cream.
Let me conclude this episode by going to the heart of the issue and give all of my poor and middle-class readers, especially those COVID-19 unemployed, some very VALUABLE advice – completely absolutely for FREE …
Nobody forced you to be either poor or even middle class. There are NO laws in the United States preventing you from being rich. In fact, America glorifies the Rich. So, stop complaining and get rich; then go on vacation …
Just like Congress.
And don’t worry about another COVID-19 relief bill.
You can thank me; I just solved ALL your COVID-19 problems!
(This series dedicated in honor of the late Liu Xiaobo & Jamal Khashoggi)