News Americas, GEORGETOWN, Guyana, Weds. Dec. 14, 2011: A 34-year-old Guyanese woman claims the Guyana Police Commissioner, Henry Greene, raped her last month.

The woman told last night that Greene raped her at gunpoint in a Georgetown hotel November 22 last but she only reported the alleged crime to the police on Tuesday, December 12th because she had been living in fear as a result of threats from the alleged rapist.

According to the mother of two, she went to Greene’s office for a meeting on November 15 and again on November 22 and relayed her concerns regarding a seized cell phone and a policeman’s wife. She added that it was at the latter meeting that he offered her GUY$15,000 which she reluctantly took because she had no money to take care of her children.

The woman said that Greene offered to drop her back home but instead took her to a hotel where he brandished a handgun and ordered her out of the vehicle.

According to the woman, he went to a downstairs room which he opened and forced her into the room. She added that he had sex with her for about one and a half to two hours during which time she continuously begged him to stop.

The woman said she had spied where he placed the gun before mounting her and she began feigning pleasure and asked to go on top in the hopes that she could get her hands on the gun. Had she done so, the woman said, she would have killed him.

According to the woman, he used a condom which he wrapped up in toilet paper and placed in his pocket afterward. The man then took her to buy food on Regent Street sometime after midnight, the woman alleged, before taking her home.

She added that he then started threatening to kill her if she went to any doctor and had called her every day since. The woman said he gave her money once more on December 6th and continued his threats.

But she said she got up the courage to visit a family doctor a week after the incident but he refused to get involved when he learned who her alleged attacker was.

The woman said she was finally seen by a doctor recommended by her retained attorney, Nigel Hughes, but this was about two weeks after the alleged incident.

The woman claims also that the commissioner has kept on calling her and she’s afraid for her life.

Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy head, Rickford Burke, called the allegation “shocking” and “disturbing” and urged an unbiased prosecutor to be appointed by the President of Guyana to look into the allegation.

He said if the allegations are found to be true, then Greene should leave office immediately.

Greene has so far said he will not address the issue in the media until he speaks with his attorney and the attorney of the alleged victim.

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